IC chips are composed of a large number of microelectronic components, so they are also called integrated circuits. A small chip with so many electronic components can be difficult to detect. Today, x-ray detection is widely used in various industries, how will it be used in IC chips? What are the differences with traditional detection methods? Let's take a look.
Chips are increasingly pursuing the design of miniaturization and low power consumption, the circuit is more and more accurate, and the detection difficulty is higher and higher. The traditional detection method of chip stripping is to strip the chip layer by layer, and then to detect the surface defects of the chip through the microscope. This method not only can not detect the defects comprehensively, but also will cause damage to the chip.
X-RAY testing, on the other hand, uses X-RAY penetration technology to penetrate the chip and make images, so that any defects inside a small chip can be seen clearly and without any damage.
After the discovery of X-RAY nondestructive testing, people have abandoned the traditional stripping chip detection method, in addition to chip nondestructive testing, X-RAY can also be nondestructive detection of LED beads, semiconductor and other products defects.
The above is in the IC chip detection in the traditional detection method and X-RAY detection method what is the difference between the relevant answer, the need for X-RAY detection equipment friends, welcome to consult Da Tai Feng technology.
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